
Shaw (Robert)

Brady, Niall, Rory McNeary, Brian Shanahan, and Robert Shaw, “Unravelling medieval landscapes from the air”, Peritia 22–23 (2011-2012, 2013): 295–316.  
The Discovery Programme has commissioned a new aerial survey of north Roscommon that includes the royal landscape of Rathcroghan and Carnfree, and a territory stretching eastwards towards Strokestown. Here the Medieval Rural Settlement Project presents aspects of an innovative approach to mapping the relict nature of the landscape that will, in turn, contribute significantly to charting the ways in which landscapes evolve over time. The case study centres on Relignaree.
Corns, Anthony, Rory McNeary, Brian Shanahan, and Robert Shaw, “Rathcroghan and Carnfree, Co Roscommon (Ireland)”, in: Christoph Bartels, María Ruiz del Arbol, Heleen van Londen, and Almudena Orejas [eds.], Landmarks — profiling Europe's historic landscapes, 158, Calbe: Selbstverlag des Deutschen Bergbau-Museums Bochum, 2008. 31–42.


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